Front Page

Responsive design

Job Planning


Flight planning for Drone Selection, Camera and or sensors

Drone and Sensor Sales

We have a line on a variety of equipment that we will customize to your requirements, built in Canada

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Different Results orientated imagery

“No Job too big or small as the Sky is the Limit”

work with the best
design and actions combined together

” No job is either too big or too small
, we will do them all ”   We have a lot of industrial experience world wide and we want to continue that focus with our drone business.

GET STARTED NOW, Present us with your Request

Contact us immediately with your proposal or idea and we will bring it to fruition if it is possible.

A few things we’re great at

We come with a lot of oilfield and construction experience.  Our pilots have varied experience from commercial licensed pilots to hands on trained.  We are all Advanced Certified and Flight Reviewed.  We can assess a request and evaluate it for economical feasibility and physical requirements as well design a final software use case.


There is nothing like a drone to position your photos for and from the best viewpoint and layout.

Air Quality Monitoring

We have specifically designed monitoring sensors that can be flown into a variety of locations and completely customizable for a multitude of gases.  We can detect fugitive methane emissions to air quality around a forest fire or downwind monitor from any release source, from an oil and gas facility to an ammonia leak in a curling rink with out putting anyone at risk.

Responsive design and preplanning to make your job effective

Bring in your job site dimensions, critical elements, timing and your questions, we will supply you with a finished design plan and we can discuss the relative parameters and any further ideas,

CASE STUDY – Ag Test Plots Aerial Vantages

The Secret of Success

Hard work and dedication to details.



Air quality momitoring, cameras in particular 5 lens oblique, Lidar, IR and laser




The Secret of Success

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Camera options are varied from fixed aperture surveying cameras to zoom capabilitues and infrared cameras.


We use sensors from infrared cameras, air quality sensors, Lidar and Lasers


We will be designing our own software to handle our photogrammetry flight logs.  We will also use Drone Deploy, PIX4D or any other specific program you have that you use.


We have both multirotor and fixed wing VTOL craft for aerial inspection services.


With the Internet spreading linke wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.


With the Internet spreading linke wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.

predefined themes


successful Jobs

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Morse Handy


Phillip Fung

Vice President

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With the Internet spreading linke wildfire and reaching every part of our daily life, more and more traffic is directed to websites in search for information.


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